Diary of Bingo & Eve.
Records from October, 96
Articles are extracted and modified from my letter written to my friend Marie.
October, 11, 1996 [Picnic]
She likes to bathe with her sister Eve. It is starting to get cold here in Japan,
but they are still given a direct sun light with heating lamp beside them.
I believe nothing is better than direct sun rays.
November, 27, 1996 [Home alone]
She is no more a juvenile. She can eat, drink and sleep by her own.
After she had moved to green house, she grew grew grew. She is fed 100% vegitable matter from birth. She eats limitless. Maybe we have to call her "Piggy". Very healthy except her right eye.
March, 10, 1997 [No more a juvenile]
Sorry for not updating for a long time. She had been doing very well.
Look how big she is now and still has great appetite. Her SVL is over 250mm by 10 months and weigh over 650g. 45 times heavier than her birth.
October, 1, 1996 [Hunger]

She is having a great appetite. She prefer anything we give her.
She is now eating "Komatsuna"(Japanese popular leafy vegetable. Looks like spinich but excludes oxalic acid and has plenty of Calcium) mainly and Mologheiya, Beans and Peas and it's foliage, Pumpkin, Tofu, Banana, Grape, Blue-berry, Plum, Hibiscus, Petunia, Okura etc for side dishes.
She just eats anything we serve. So we have to be careful to her diet. Everytime we pick her up on our hands, she even tries to eat our fingers!
-- Always hungry, or sleepy.--
October, 11, 1996 [You can call me a flower, if you want to...]

She is trying new things. This is Hibiscus flower. She loved it and ate one whole by
herself. Flower is bigger than her! It is difficult to make those Hibiscus bloom
all year round. Hibiscus is very expensive in summer time but the season had end and
it is now very cheep in autumn. It was about $10 per pot in mid-summer. Last weekend,
I went to the flower shop and bought 10 pots by $10. Of course I didn't tell them
that it is for iguana food.
November, 26, 1996 [Baba]
Compare to Bingo, Eve is still a baby. Not so much had changed this month. She is eating or otherwise sleeping in Takako's clothes. She is also fed 100% vegitable matter and given plenty of direct sunlight. But look! Her spine is growing.
March, 10, 1997 [Energy to live]
She really trusts us and eats anything we offer.We can find her aggressive energy to live, when we feed her.
Her growth ratio is less than Bingo but has great vitality and growing.