Specification chart of Bingo & Eve.
At least they are growing!
SVL : Snout Vent Length
TL : Tail Length
W : Weight
Comment 971125
This is the growth data of Bingo and Eve. Bingo(female) was born in 19th May 1996 and Eve(male) was born in 3rd June 1996. Bingo was born healthy except her right eye. She can open only half of her right eye. And Eve had a completely premature birth and carrying many problems. One and a half years later, he still have sight failure in both eyes. So he has a limit of exercising time and space, that will lead less appetite and will be reflected in his growth rate.
From first food after their birth, both of them are fed only vevetable matter. No Animal protein were given at all. With this condition, bingo grew over 30 cm(about a foot) SVL in a year.
Main food : Komatsuna leaf, Chingensai leaf, Moroheiya leaf.
Sub food : Kaboucha, Carrot, Tofu, fruits.
Supplement : Rep-Cal Calcium with vitD3, Herptivite(occasionally).
Lightings : Direct sun(Summer) + VITA-LITE & IGUANA LIGHT 5.0 UVB(Summer and Winter). BASKING-LITE for hot spot. Artificial lights are controled by timer which will be ON for 10 hours(7:00 to 17:00)
Environment : Free roaming(Bingo), Glass green house(Eve).
Temperature : 25 C(77F:at night), 35 C(95F:day time).
Date SVL TL W yymmdd (mm) (mm) (g) 960519 77 220 15 960601 80 230 17 960605 82 235 18 960618 82 240 21 960622 85 250 23 960713 95 270 30 960728 103 295 42 960806 105 310 47 960816 115 330 65 960824 117 355 80 960912 142 408 131 960916 144 414 133 960922 149 428 148 961010 157 478 190 961025 175 497 246 961116 202 534 307 961207 210 595 359 970104 228 615 454 970116 232 627 466 970302 251 710 672 970324 280 765 836 970417 285 800 1040 970513 298 835 1080 970901 330 880 1690 971125 360 935 2260 981001 410 940 2840 990308 415 981 3200 990519 418 998 3460 990731 419 - 3360 000127 420 - 3900 Eve
Date SVL TL W yymmdd (mm) (mm) (g) 960605 69 170 13 960616 72 180 12 960622 73 190 12 960713 75 195 15 960728 82 205 20 960806 86 225 24 960816 95 235 34 960824 97 255 39 960908 106 282 54 960916 118 298 57 960922 119 302 69 961010 128 330 80 961025 137 352 114 961116 147 402 137 961207 165 427 175 970104 178 467 223 970116 178 475 236 970302 192 532 324 970324 214 573 405 970417 222 595 459 970513 232 605 481 970901 258 665 600 971125 270 710 820 980818 300 765 1240 981001 315 790 1340 990308 323 805 1500 990603 325 814 1440 990731 327 - 1230 000227 330 - 1500
Day-SVL relation graph x-axis : Days from birth(day)
y-axis : SVL(mm)
Comment 971125
Bingo's SVL reached 30 cm in just one year. And still growing.
Both Bingo and Eve had increasing functional growth rate for their first 100 days and beginning to have a decreasing functional growth rate after 100 days.
Bingo seems to have asymptote line between 400 and 450 mm.
Eve's asymptote line seems to be around 300 to 350 mm
SVL is different but they both have inflection point around 100 days from their birth. Maybe their size will be determined by their first 3 monts.
Day-Weight relation graph x-axis : Days from birth(day)
y-axis : Weight(g)
SVL-Weight relation graph x-axis : SVL(mm)
y-axis : Weight(g)
Comment 971125
Above 2 graphs(Day-SVL & Day-Weight) shows the difference of Bingo and Eve's growth rate. Third graph shows the rate of SVL and Weight. Even though Eve has less growth rate compared to Bingo, they both are tracing same SVL-WEIGHT curve.