


Some books and even some petshops says that iguanas can be kept in glass aquarium tanks but I recommend not using them by following reasons.

greenhouse For juveniles, we recommend you to use some glass greenhouse sold for plants. Look for them at local discount stores. They should be at least 80cm width, 40cm depth, 150cm height. Bigger the better. You can make the inner layouts by your sense but be sure it is safe for your iguana and make a step so it is easy to climb all the way up from basement.
I think your iguana will spend most of the time on highest position in the cage and I guess that is about the eye-level of human. This is a good condition to make them tame. You will have an access to them from the side and this will avoid panic compare to the glass tanks which you have to have an access from top.
For adult iguana, I guess any cage will be too small for them unless you can buy them a cage over 3m by 3m by 3m. And I think that will be the size of the smallest room you have. So, maybe it is better to let them roam free in your room. For their free roaming room, you must prepare lots of things. If you are living in a cold country, you must think of heating system. And make sure there are any dangerous objects left behind. The room must be safe, clean, sunny, and warm.
Tip : Do not keep them in a glass tank. Use a cage which has height for juveniles. Think about free roaming when their SVL becomes over 30cm.